
Are You Making People Noseated?

Posted by The Green team on 27th Sep 2015

Is your home or business causing your guests to become" noseated"?"

Bad Smell

Scent goes straight to your nose receptors through your olfactory bulb and settles in the limbic system of your brain. This is your emotional network that controls, pleasure, fear, excitement etc. You have an immediate reaction without even thinking about it.

Whether it is a business, home or auto, you want to make sure that the experience is pleasurable for your customers or guests.

Remember, if you are in an environment a few hours, you will become accustomed to the odors emanating into the air.

This is called being "noseblind"...However anyone just entering the room can become "noseated" especially if the smell is not pleasant.

Cat urine, burned food, bad smelling fish, smoke odors, foul garbage are a few examples of scents that most people find offensive.

Any foul odor can cause a person to form a negative feeling or opinion about their surroundings. In turn this reflects upon you as the proprietor or host.

It is a great idea to ask someone you trust if  he / she finds the aromas in your place pleasurable or offensive. 

A good start is the use of Green Air Scents Scent Blaster machine. This is a fan operated unit that will diffuse a beautiful aroma into the surroundings. Safe and effective, it is being used by many well known property management and retail companies.

In summary "You can't fail with a good smell!"