
Ooh! That Dental Smell

Posted by Charlie Cabrera on 8th Sep 2014

Before I delve into this article, I would like to state that dental work today is quite painless and dentists do amazing things cosmetically and for our overall oral health. However due to fear of the unknown this is a common scenario:

The smell of a dental office can instill fear and trepidation in even the most muscle bound and  tattooed  tough guy.

 How is this?"... You may ask....Well,first we need to examine how or olfactory system works. When scent molecules travel through the air and reach your olfactory receptors; it is immediately linked to your brains limbic system. This part of your brain handles, emotion, memory and behavior.

 Emotions can be feeling of well being, joy, fear, disgust etc.  all depending on your scent memory or experience.

Without an analytical thought, there is an immediate like or dislike of the odor or aroma.

Let's take this a little further...Think of cotton candy at the state fair or the enticing aroma of a waffle cone....These are usually pleasant memories. about the stench of rotting garbage or the foul odor of a skunk....this definitely conjures up the yuck factor!

Now back to our tough guy...Maybe he is going in for another root canal. He immediate will associate  his previous experience with the smell of eugenol. There could be the fear of pain, uncertainty, needing more dental work etc. 

A person could be blindfolded and led to a dentist office and right away know that smell! 

How can a dental office counter this negative impact?

All in all, it is recommended that every dental office should have some kind of relaxing aromatherapy system or air freshener in place. 

This is where our products come in: For a large area up to 2500 square feet or more the Aroma Beam is a great choice. A Vanilla  or Lavender aroma have been proven to help alleviate anxiety in a medical environment. Our Vanilla Cream  or Lavender is perfect for this use.

If you have a smaller waiting area,an electric powered Scent Blaster Value Pack is perfect. You can always add another one if there is more area to cover. 

A simple nice aroma can make a huge difference in your dental office. Get ready for positive compliments and happier customers!